Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

The Board of Directors of CODERE S.A. (the “Company”) has reserved the power to approve the Company’s general policies and strategies which govern the management of the Company and its Group. These Corporate Policies develop the principles reflected in the mission, vision and values of the Group and the other rules of the Corporate Governance System.

Amongst those Corporate Policies, the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy aims to promote a global culture that contributes to the creation of value in a sustainable way for society, citizens, customers, shareholders and communities in which the Group develops its activities. It also aims to remunerate fairly all the groups which contribute to the success of its business project, and to undertake new investments taking into account its social return, generating employment and wealth for society, with a long-term vision that seeks a better future, without compromising present results.

Aware of the aforementioned, the Group contributes to the development of the communities in which it operates, implementing measures to promote education and culture, and to protect vulnerable groups, working to establish permanent and strong links, taking into account the interests of its staff, shareholders, financial community, regulatory bodies, customers, suppliers, environment and society (the “Stakeholders”).

In this regard, the social responsibility strategy of the Group intends to place it at the forefront of the best practices in this field, convinced that this is an essential part of its strategy of transparency, excellence and improvement of its competitiveness.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is applicable to all the companies of Codere Group, together with the particularities that may be established in each of them. In those companies in which the Group has a minority stake, the Company will promote through its representatives in the management bodies, alignment of its policies with the Company’s, trying to follow principles and guidelines consistent with those established by this Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
